Press statement: Carolina borehole water contaminated
Carolina and Silobela residents in Mpumalanga are again facing a water crisis after tests, conducted by Lawyers for Human Rights, on boreholes being used by the community for drinking water have turned up disturbing results.
As a consequence of the water crisis in Carolina in 2012, many residents of Carolina and Silobela township still prefer to obtain their drinking water from boreholes at nearby mosques. The two mosques have been instrumental in providing residents with drinking water since the time when the town’s water was declared unfit for human consumption due to pollution from nearby mines.
Recent tests on two boreholes, one at the mosque in Carolina and one at a mosque in Silobela has revealed that this water is high in nitrate and faecal coliform. The borehole at the mosque in Silobela was found to have high levels of nitrate measuring 14.7 mg/l. The health limit for humans is 6mg/l. High levels of nitrate can cause methaemaglobinanemia in humans, fatigue, nausea and lead to blue baby syndrome. The borehole at the mosque in the town of Carolina was found to have high levels of faecal coliform measuring 20/100ml. There should be no presence of faecal coliform in water that is used for human consumption. This water is unfit for human consumption.
Following residents’ compaints about the water quality in the town and nearby Silobela, Lawyers for Human Rights has enlisted a South African National Accredidation System (SANAS) accredited laboratory to conduct regular water quality analysis. It is through conducting this analysis that the contamination of the borehole water came to light.
The pollution of the groundwater is likely linked directly to the 2012 water crisis since over 30 private boreholes have been installed in Carolina in the last year. Carolina is a water scare area with shallow water tables. High levels of nitrate and faecal coliform can be indicative of contamination with sewage from leaking sewer pipes, septic tanks, old French-drains or nearby pit latrines. It is probably as a result of the high abstraction from these borehols that ingress of nitrates and faecal coliforms, orginiating from these facilities, occurred. It is also possible that the numerous private boreholes that were established during this period, and as a result of the 2012 water crisis, may be contaminated.
The portable water provided by the Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality has since improved in quality . The most recent tests conducted by the LHR during January 2014 indicate that the water supplied by the municipality, is compliant with the South SANS Drinking Water Standard (SANS241:2011) andfit for human consumption. The municpliaty has not provided any recent results.
Residents, however, have no faith in the quality of the water that is provided by the municipality which is why many continue to use the borehole water from the two mosques, or their own boreholes, as their main souce of drinking water. Information provided to LHR indicates that the water supplied by the municipality has a strange taste, smells bad and that people believe it is not clean and that it makes them sick. It is therefore unfortunate that the only alternative water source has been polluted.
LHR, in conjunction with the two mosques, have conducted further water tests for inter alia organic carbon content to confirm the results of the initial tests. We have advised the residents of Silobela and Carolina not to consume or use the water from mosques’ boreholes until further notice.
LHR has further advised residents who use borehole water in their households to conduct tests on the water from their boreholes and not to consume or use the water until such tests have been conducted and shown the water to be uncontaminated.
LHR has notified the Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality and the Mpumalanga provincial Departments of Water Affairs and Health about the problem. We believe that the government will treat this matter with the urgency it deserves and work with the municipality, the residents, the Mosques and LHR to find a solution to this matter.